Monday, February 13, 2012

Body Image Challenge, Day 7

Tune out media – no TV, movies, magazines and internet surfing. Instead tune in to nature. Notice a sunset, gaze at the stars, sit by a stream and listen to the water.
The media constantly barrages us with unrealistic and unhealthy ideals of
beauty. Because we are incessantly bombarded, it is impossible to remain unaffected.
Get in touch with who you are independent of these messages and find your center in
things that are real and lasting--your personality, nature, and your relationships.
Journal: What did you tune into when you tuned out the media?

Sorry I skipped a day I usually won't post on Sundays. When I was at CFC I made a commitment to not look at Beauty and Health magazines anymore and I honestly haven't in over 4 years. I know how they make me feel about myself so its better for me to just stay away from them. There have been numerous studies done about the negative effects they have on women. Research indicates that exposure to images of thin, young, air-brushed female bodies is linked to depression, loss of self-esteem and the development of unhealthy eating habits in women and girls. The diet industry is worth 40 to 100 billion dollars a year selling temporary weight loss! 90 to 95% of dieters regain all lost weight and then some. People are dieting themselves to a heavier weight. Eating habits that use to be considered harmful to the body are now considered "healthy". The diet industry is invested in womens insecurities. They show photo shopped images of under weight and unrealistic bodies on one page and on the next page the new weight loss gimmick. I think its so good to unplug from media and focus on what really is. I can definitly work on this! Let's not subject ourselves to the world of diet and media craziness where you never feel good enough. Instead of being victims to the media lets stand up for what is real and lasting!


  1. A couple of years ago I felt like I was wasting too much time watching TV so I didn't watch ANYTHING for 1 month. I was shocked at how I felt watching TV after I took this break. I felt like I wasn't good enough and I found myself wanting to buy stuff I didn't need - clothes, beauty products, etc. I realized that not only was TV a poor use of my time (for the most part) but it also made me less happy. So since then I've pretty much eliminated TV.
    I've also become SUPER picky about the movies I watch. Remember when we went to that pornography & dating conference? The speaker said something that has stuck with me - that you emulate what you see. Relationships in the Media are pretty unhealthy and I've had enough of that nonsense. So for me, reducing the amount of media in my life has been awesome!! I feel more connected to reality and have healthier ideals and expectations for myself not only physically, but also in relationships and the need for "stuff". I know this is part of the reason I'm happier now than ever. I think it's so important to choose wisely the influences you allow into your mind & life!

  2. That's so awesome coley! Its so true! Thanks for sharing :) love you
