Tuesday, February 28, 2012

You are enough! and NEDA articles

TODAY was a great day, it was national pancake day annnnd Romney won in Arizona and Michigan!  Plus I got to hang out with my mom, aunt and cousin for a little while. Ya know what I decided is the best thing about family is, you can just be yourself with them, and I know I should be myself with everyone but its so much easier to be yourself with your family. You can be as crazy and weird or as sad and mad as you need to be and they will always love you just because they love you for exactly who you are. This is the case with good friends too. I just think there is nothing better than being with people who love you and know you and who you feel comfortable with. My dad wrote me a letter while I was in treatment and I didn't think much of it when I read it then, but when I read it the other day something he wrote just hit me. He said, meg you don't need to prove yourself to anyone, everybody just wants you to be yourself. I realize I still do that sometimes and it is something I am trying to work on. I don't know why I feel like I have to prove myself and please people, but I DON'T. That is a load off the shoulders let me tell you. Its relieving to realize that I AM ENOUGH. Why is that so hard to remember? Anyways that's my thought for the day :) Just be yourself, that is enough.

With it being NEDA week (which by the way started in 1987, the year I was born, wahoo!) there has been a lot of ED posts going around on facebook and I just wanted to share a few of them that I found to be awesome!...

 Check out this sweet article written by Lexie and Lindsay Kite, founders of the non-profit organization Beauty Redefined "We know women are capable of much more than being looked at. These are our strategies for taking back beauty and teaching girls and women everywhere how to be confident in their God-given loveliness."

Also this is a GREAT website for teens: http://www.newmoon.com/content/?id=32953&type=1 The article that is on the front page right now is awesome. It is a girl telling her story about opening up about  her body struggles and realizing she is not alone. I think its so crucial in recovery to open up and find good supportive friends. AND the magazine New Moon Girls is freakin sweet! Its something I would totally want my daughters to read someday. So great for teen girls ages 8 and up!

And lastly check it out!!!.....

 Empire State Building Lights the Way Today in the Fight Against Eating Disorders!

The Empire State Building is currently lit in the National Eating Disorders Association's green and blue colors to celebrate NEDA awareness Week. What a historic moment for eating disorders awareness!

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