One of my patients asked me today if I was pregnant. I had to remind myself she is 79 years old and kinda sorta half way didn't help. jk it did, and I was over it and laughing in .29 seconds. That wouldn't have been the case 4 years ago or even 2. ooooh manny it would have been bad. But today i just laughed.
Do you consider yourself beautiful? Do you love your body? If you are like most women you answered no & no. How sad. Maybe its because the worlds idea of beauty and the perfectly healthy body is distorted to the max. Why conform to their definition of beauty? Why not define beauty for yourself? I'm serious, sit down and right a list of what makes someone beautiful to you....then for a week notice those things in other people and think to yourself, now that person is beautiful. Recognize beauty all around you, in yourself and in others. You get to choose what is beautiful.
What Beauty is to me:
learning something new
working hard
enjoying simple pleasures
selfless service
little kids
true health
sacrificing for others
feeling the spirit
things that matter most
Now for the loving your body part....write a list of things you appreciate about your body. Come to look at your body in a new light. Instead of thinking about the size of your thighs think about the strength in your legs that allow you to walk, move, dance, jump...whatever you love to do. Seriously our bodies are amazing. My heart hasn't missed a beat in 25 years and I can have babies, that's AMAZING! You can come to love your body for all the things it does for you. Our bodies are KEY to help our spirits enjoy and experience this life, THAT is there purpose. How toned, skinny, chiseled and shaped do we really need to be?? Just healthy and energized, that's all.

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