I just wanted to share the new LDS addiction recovery website. There is a really good video on there, click here to watch it. When I watched this I was overwhelmed with gratitude to be recovered and living life again. Addictions are such a horrible thing and you can never know exactly how horrible unless you've been trapped in one. Everyday I am SO grateful to be where I am today, sometimes I can't even believe it. I had forgotten what it was like to live, but now I enjoy and appreciate life ten hundred times more! I owe it all to my savior, Jesus Christ who I am so indescribably grateful for.
The Church's addiction recovery program is really good and its free! They make a spiritually based 12 step manual that you can buy for I believe $5 at any desert book or seagull book and they have tons of meetings going on all the time. To find one in your area click here.
Russell M. Nelson's spiritual prescription for addiction:
Choose to Be Alive
Choose to Believe
Choose to Change
Choose to Be Different
Choose to Exercise
Choose to Be Free
To read this amazing talk click here

I love ur blog meg! Thanks for sharing this! Ur AMAZING!!
ReplyDeleteThank you bri! hope all is well with you!