Wednesday, October 9, 2013

After baby weight loss craziness

I've been feeling lately that I really need to work on my blog more. I feel that it is one of my purposes here on earth to help others, especially, women come to KNOW the truth about who they really truly are. I feel like I went through my Eating Disorder, depression, low self-esteem and all those things so that I could overcome it and help others! Getting to go to the Center for Change and learning all that I have learned is a huge blessing and gift from God that I am not meant to keep to myself but to share with you. Sometimes I am overwhelmed at how much I have to learn, and how weak I still am, and how far I have to go to become my best self, but then when I look back to six years ago and where I am today I can hold my head up high and as Elder Holland puts it "Hope on, Journey on." So I am not perfect, I have a long way to go, but I have come SO far. I feel like I was so fortunate to learn so much to overcome my Eating Disorder, all things that I don't take credit for but are a gift from God, a gift he expects me to share because heaven knows women need it living in our world today! There is obviously an attack against women and it breaks my heart as I have really grown to  understand and cherish the true purpose of womanhood. That understanding about who I really truly am is one of the very most helpful things that has helped me overcome my ED. 

So my first post of my re-vamped blog is going to be something that I think every new mom needs to hear! (I am speaking to myself here too:) 

There is too much pressure put on moms to lose all of their baby weight (if not more) and fast! There is so much pressure on new moms, not to mention the precious little baby who's every need now depends on you, we don't need to throw weight loss into the mix too! I think it contributes to much of the mommy blues (not to mention hormones, pressure to be super mom, a changing lifestyle, and lack of sleep) But I think its so unfortunate that new mom's are bombarded with that message so much (Thanks to our society).You just created LIFE! Your body is a rock star! A human being, pumping heart and all, that didn't exist before just came out of you. That is pretty freaking amazing! Our bodies are MEANT to go through pregnancy. They were created for that purpose. It is a natural thing since the beginning of time. I feel like a lot of times pregnancy is seen as a disorder or disease or something that your body has to go through and then you have to recover from it as quick as you can. Pregnancy is the greatest miracle we will ever experience! When we take the focus off of our weight and put it on TAKING CARE of our bodies and thanking them for their pure amazement and the gift that they are our weight will take care of itself. Whether you need to lose, stay the same or gain, as long as you are treating your body with love and respect you don't have to worry where on the scale it decides to be. It all starts will self-love. If your eating choices come from a place of shame and self-hate or disgust they are not going to be helpful. If they come from a place of self love at least I find I make better choices! Be cautious and aware of the diet scams out there! They are everywhere and 99.9 percent of them aren't really good for our bodies. Nothing can replace a healthy lifestyle. Also beware the word healthy is very  VERY distorted now days. Geez. 

Your body is yours. Think of that, your body is unique, like no one else's in the world, And it is all yours. LOVE IT, just as it is right now. THANK IT, especially if you just had a baby, and TAKE CARE of it.

Before I was pregnant, while I was pregnant and post baby I have eaten the same. And my body has just done what it does. No diets. No future fear of being deprived or diet re-bounds. Just "normal" eating. (to be defined in another post, at least my definition) Now, I am definitely definitely not perfect and have had my hard days but overall this is how its been. I gained what my body wanted to for my pregnancy and lost what it wanted to after it. All just with the goal of taking care of my body and my baby. We need to take the focus off of diets and weight loss and put it on taking care of our bodies. The diet industry thrives on us feeling bad about ourselves and just wants our money. Fad diets don't work. We don't need six packs. Exercise is to make us feel strong and invigorated not worn out and tired and no matter how much weight you lose it won't make you be a better mommy. Yes, being healthy will contribute to you being a good mom. But it does not matter what size you are! I am all fired up. I love this....

The first year fly's by, I can't believe my little Mila girl is already exactly 9 months tomorrow! Don't regret being in a fog of diets and exercise. Love yourself right now, just the way you are. Take care of yourself so you can take better care of your family. The best thing you can give them is a healthy you. LOVE your baby to death. Don't get too overwhelmed with the expectations, should's, should not's, baby books, opinions of others, and let go of control. Go with the flow a little more and enjoy your baby as much as possible! They are so precious. They will never be little again. Believe you are a good mommy, because you are. You get to decide for yourself if you like your body, don't let the low self-esteem thriving industry tell you otherwise. Remember that character, confidence, how you treat others, your values and the unique person you are is what makes you BEAUTIFUL. And believe that you are beautiful, because you are. If you don't think you're beautiful when your daughter grows up she's not going to think she is either. Help her have confidence in the future by finding a little in yourself. 

Much Love


  1. I agree so much that giving life is a miracle that we get to experience as women. It is the ultimate pinnacle of womanhood--only we can do it!! Thanks for all of your encouragement.
