Monday, October 21, 2013

How I overcame binge eating

Binge eating was the last thing to go for me. 
After I had conquered restricting
After I had conquered purging
I still struggled with binge eating
It is a horrible horrible thing to struggle with

Here's what has helped me:
 -Become a master of yourself. Have the attitude of "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul"
You really do have the power to CHOOSE. You are not a victim to ED, take back your life. Live from your higher self. Make choices with your spirit (who you really are) instead of your natural man (the weak part of you) Put yourself in the drivers seat to your life. Realize that you have power over food, it doesn't have power over you.

-Exercise self control. The more times you resist the urge to binge the stronger you become and the weaker your eating disorder becomes. It takes time. Be patient with yourself and focus on your triumphs instead of your shortcomings.  

- Gaurd yourself against the urges to binge. Make sure you are eating enough throughout the day. Are your binges coming from your bodies primal drive to eat? If you are not eating enough your body doesn't know there is food inside your fridge. For all it knows your lost on an island with no food. So the second you let yourself eat your body IS going to want to keep eating...and eating. Nourish your body, it needs food! Make sure your food is delicious and satisfying. Healthy AND delicious is my motto. No more rice cake-ish empty calorie foods for me! Studies have proven that when you eat satisfying foods you eat less. And I have found that true for myself. Remember you don't have to eat a 100% healthy diet to be healthy. And I will say it again, fad diets, empty calorie food substitutions are NOT good for your body. Your body needs calories, fat, carbohydrates and protein. Do not believe all the crazy fad diet stuff out there. According to all the "RULES" I should probably be overweight because I break them all the time. The diet industry just wants your money. Nothing can replace a Nutritious and balanced lifestyle. 

-Come to really realize that your body is the temple for your spirit and what you do to your body affects your spirit. (see my last post)

-Don't judge your emotions. Let them come. Emotions are not good or bad, they are god given information. They help us know right from wrong. When you want to binge, resist the urge. Sit there and let your emotions come, listen to them without judging them. Your emotions and feelings are not bad or wrong, they are a part of you, let them come. Then you get to choose what you do with those feelings and emotions. You get to act out of your higher self or your lesser self. It is not bad to feel RAW emotion. Be in touch with your emotions. so many people now days are numbing out there emotions whether it be with food, drugs, alcohol, electronics, shopping, you name it. When you block out your raw emotions and disconnect from yourself you are doing yourself a disservice.  Let the feelings come, be ok with whatever feelings you may be feeling whether it be sad, angry, excited, discouraged, hurt, happy, confused. Let the feelings come and let them go. Don't ignore them, block them out or numb them, listen to them. 

- Show a little self-respect. Do whatever you have to do to gain a little self worth. Really try to seek to know and believe that you are a child of God with divine identity and purpose. He knows you and loves you and wants you to be happy. He never turns away from you, never stops helping you, he is always there, there is nothing you can do that would make him turn away from you. There is nothing you can do to make him stop loving you. You are priceless, you have worth, you have purpose, you are loved. 

-Rely wholly on God. You can't do it alone but you can do it with him. Ask for his strength, he will help. I have found reading the scriptures brings power into my life, whether it be the Bible or The Book of Mormon (another testament of Jesus Christ) Pray for strength  pray always, talk to God like he is your father, because he is. I have also found going to the temple to be the thing that has helped me the absolute most. I feel a piece of heaven and so much comfort and peace when I go there. I leave with strength to face the world. Oh how I LOVE the temple. I feel at home there. If you haven't been, strive to be able to go, all LDS members who qualify to go through living righteous lives are admitted into the temple. All are welcome to qualify. Heavenly Father would love to see all of his children in the temple. 

-Be your own best friend. You can always trust yourself if you will just learn to take care of yourself. I remember one time I was having the urge to binge and I thought no one will know, then I thought, I will know. WHAT ABOUT ME? I will have to deal with the consequences, Do I really want to put myself through this again? So, I didn't. That was the first time I didn't binge for me. No body would know if I did or if I didn't but I did it for me; and boy was I glad. 

- recognize the lies you may be telling yourself to justify your binging. Mine were usually, I will make up for this, so and so really got to me today and drove me to do this, this will be my last time ever, I am so weak why can't I stop doing this, I am a horrible person. LIES! all lies! There is no making up for binge eating. You have lost that moment, you will never get it back. your body went through the stress, you can't get that back. No body has control over you, life is not controlling you, you have choices! No body can make you do anything, you get to choose how you react to certain situations. no matter what you get to choose how your life will go, and i'm betting that doesn't include binge eating. You are not a horrible person, you are just living below your priviledge and oppurtuinties you are better than this and you have the power to stop it! It is possible to change and you can start right now, not tomorrow. If you play that game you will have a bunch of empty yesterdays. Do yourself a favor and RECOVER! 
You will love taking care of yourself, it sets your true self free!

-You will not be perfect, that's ok, no one is expected to be in this life. Do your best. Get up when you fall down. Enjoy the journey. It's a process, look at mistakes and opportunities for growth and learning. Show self-compassion and love who you are, faults and all. 

I think that's all, Much much much Love 


  1. Oh I loved this -- especially the part about emotions. We are so busy and so stressed that we really don't take the time to THINK or FEEL.

  2. I'm glad you liked it. It's so true! Emotions are just information and they are their to help us!

  3. I would love a post about late night eating. It's kind of like bingeing, but I can't really figure out why I do it. Part of it is not taking care of myself throughout the day because it feels like everyone and everything is DEMANDING my time and attention so I truly am hungry from not eating enough throughout the day. Part of it is a form of relaxation....of letting go of the stress from the day. Sometimes too I think of it as a reward for working so hard all day, but then I feel terrible for over indulging. Anyways, I'd love to read a post on that.

  4. Ok Cathy! I have struggled with that too! I will do a post on it soon! Thanks for the suggestion
