Friday, June 29, 2012

100 ways to soothe yourself without using food

Go for a walk
Call a Friend
Write in your journal
Scream into a pillow
Say a prayer
Take a bath
Go for a bike ride
Take a Hike
Color a picture
Sew Something
Do a craft
Go for a drive
Visit a friend
Take care of whats bothering you
Tackle the dishes
Do nothing
Take a nap
Sit outside
Do service
Watch a movie
Mod Podge something
Learn a new hobby
Develop a talent
Look at old photos
Clean the car
Play a game
Light a candle
Do yoga
Go swimming
Make Jewelry
Read a book
Write a letter
Send a card to someone
Go to the park
Make a friend
Read an uplifting magazine (refer to previous post :)
Study the scriptures
Go to the temple
Learn something new
Memorize a quote
Hang up a quote
Make a quote book 
Listen to music
Try a new boutique
Watch funny videos on you tube
Make cards
Play a sport
Get a massage
Get a mani/pedi or give one to yourself
Go window shopping
Go fishing
Go to a museum
Play with a niece/nephew
Make a list of 100 things you want to do
Make a list of 100 books you want to read
Make a list of 100 things you're grateful for
Sing a song
Visit Grandma/Grandpa
Take a dancing class
Call a sibling
Go to bed
Take pictures
Rearrange furniture
Research something
Learn more about the elections
Paint your nails
Text someone
Go to a movie
Start a project
Read old journals
 Start a journal
Index names
Make a scrapbook
Treat yourself to something you've been wanting
Try a new hairstyle
Visit someone who is sick
Offer to babysit
Plan a vacation
Make a vision board
Look up jokes 
Solve riddles
Do a puzzle
Do something festive for whatever holiday you're in
People watch 
Sit outside
Run around the block 
 Make up a game
Hug someone
Tell someone you love them
Ask for a back scratch
Remind yourself that the only thing food can solve is hunger