You're a stay at home mom..what do you do all day?
I LOVE this blog post on the importance of motherhood: "You're a stay at home mom..what do you do all day?" Click on the link, to read it, its a life changer!

Since I had Mila and became a stay at home mom I have got the "what do you do all day" many many times. Grrr...well I "just" feed Mila all her meals and snacks, change all her diapers, help her sleep, wake up countless times in the night, bathe her, play with her, teach her, sing with her, chase her around and get things out of her mouth all day, keep her entertained, comfort her, sing to her, dance with her, plan meals, grocery shop, fix dinners, come up with family time things to do, do all the laundry, dishes, clean, vaccum, dust, sweep, mom, and on top of that try to find time to be a good wife, sister, daughter, friend and neighbor. I don't get to leave my job everyday, I am at my job 24/7 and if I fail at my job I fail my husband and my daughter. Much of their happiness and quality of life depends on me. That's a lot of pressure that I can't "clock out" of.
I would have it no other way because I know the impact mothers have, we are vital, we are irreplaceable, we are in the business of shaping lives. If every person that came to this earth had a loving, nurturing, teaching mother this world would be a much better place. Crime, depression, suicide, addictions would all go down dramatically. Mothers, never doubt your importance. Though the world may not hold your motherhood career in high esteem, God does. Your part matters, even though it may seem mundane, tedious and at times unimportant it is the most important thing we could be doing. Don't demand too much of yourself, by small and simple things are great things brought to pass. Focus on the most important things. Enjoy the little things, one day we will realize they are the big things. Don't let things that really don't matter worry you. Most of all you are in the business of LOVING. Instead of checking of tasks of dishes, laundry, cooking, cleaning, make your task to LOVE. Above else love your husband and children like their is no tomorrow.

Amen! Motherhood is amazing. I think everyone can apply this to their life by doing whatever it is they are called to do right now with their whole heart and without diminishing the role they have to play. Including me, of course. :) Love you!