Thursday, November 7, 2013

Grateful for ALL of it

As it is November the month of Thanksgiving I have been more aware of my blessings and gratitude that I have. I have realized that I am grateful for EVERYTHING in my life, not just the good but the bad too. I am grateful for my struggles and my trials because they allow me to learn and grow. I am not just grateful for all the things that are easy to like about myself but I am grateful for the things that I need work on, I am grateful for all of me. I am grateful for the good days and the bad days, the bitter and the sweet. If we didn't have the bitter we wouldn't know just how sweet the sweet is. I am for the first time in my life accepting ALL of me. I have struggled with feeling shame and guilt about my past and who I was and the things I did and fearing that's who I really am. I would obviously do things differently now if I could go back but that's not the plan. I did the best I knew how at the time. I didn't know then what I know now and it was necessary for me to go through those things to learn what I have learned. So instead of looking back on my past me and being ashamed I have decided to feel compassion for that girl and define myself by being able to get out of those situations and become better and conquer. Instead of defining myself by my weaknesses I want to define myself by my strengths. I am grateful for the good and the bad, I'm not waiting for some future day where everything is perfect and I am perfect, I appreciate who I am and where I am in this moment. acknowledging There is always more to learn and improve on but being grateful for where I am in this moment. I am learning to feel more compassionate towards myself for the hard days and more celebratory for the good days and triumphs. Yea i'm not perfect, I've come to the conclusion that that's okay, I am still a good person, and the world is not going to crumble around me when I am not perfect but I am alive and I am trying my best and i'm grateful for that. That is priceless. 

Much Love

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