I love this video Brene Brown video...
This is so true, " A response rarely makes something better, what makes something better is connection." Love it.
I am SO guilty of the "at least" response and trying to make things better. My friend had a miscarriage and I said those exact words of "at least you know you can get pregnant now." oops! (sorry Rach) Funny thing is I have had a miscarriage too, and I should have said, I've been there, its really hard.
So sorry to anyone who I have shown sympathy for instead of empathy, now I know how to better show you how much I love and care about you.
I'm glad Someone shared this video with me (Thanks Dana) because I always want to help people feel better when they are going through a hard time but i'm just not sure how. So most of the time its really uncomfortable for me. Now I know to just climb in the dark pit with them and give them a hug, because even though all our dark pits are different we've all been there and they suck! It always makes it a million times better when you have someone who cares in there with you.
Life is about connecting with people! I am excited to learn how to do that better with Brene Brown's books. Sorry you are probably so sick of me talking about her but i'm really excited about it.
If you have never seen Brene' Brown's original video on vulnerability you can watch it here, it's sooooo good!
Wow. That video is awesome. I really need to work on connecting. I am TOTALLY guilty of saying, "Well, at least..." all. the. time.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing! I love your blog. :)
I LOVE YOU! seriously I do!