I have been asked many times what has helped me the most to recover.
I have thought long and hard about this, and here is my answer
The thing that has helped me truly recover from my Eating Disorder ( and being in the depths of self hatred) and make me confident that I am never going back there again is gaining a FIRM KNOWLEDGE of who I am as a daughter of God, realizing what my vision for my life and eternity is, and what my purpose is as a Daughter of God. This has changed me. I credit all my recovery to my Savior and Redeemer, he is the answer for all hurt, all pain, all wounds, all scars, all hopelessness. He is the hope and light of my life.
Throughout my recovery one of the Biggest things I have really come to know is that Women are precious and priceless and that our role is paramount. We are born with innate abilities to nurture and love. Our role has been severely distorted by the enemy. His biggest attack is on Women, because if he can destroy the women he can destroy the home and if he destroys the home he can destroy society. I really believe Women are the glue of our society. This is not to say that men are not just as equally vital. We need each other! Our roles are very different, but that is good. That is the way it was designed. Together we can be whole and complete. But women are forgetting who they are and who they are meant to become!
Women were created to bring a certain touch of beauty, light, love, goodness, virtue and joy to those they influence.
"If I were Satan and wanted to destroy a society, I think I would stage a full blown blitz on women. I would keep them so distraught and distracted that they would never find the calming strength and serenity for which their gender has always been known.” -Patricia Holland
When I realized who I really am and let go of Satan's influence on me my focus went away from my weight and my size and put it on my soul. This has led me to take good care of my body because I cherish it as a priceless gift from God and a home to my soul.
So that's my challenge to you on day 10. Focus on taking care of your SOUL today and you will automatically be motivated to take better care of your body. Forget what Satan tries to tell you about where your worth comes from!
Your worth doesn't come from a number on the scale or the tag on your jeans. Your worth comes from being, and acting like a daughter of God. It comes from knowing that he is proud of you. It comes from being virtuous, from showing love to others. It comes from nurturing and lifting those around you and from being full of goodness and truth. That is where TRUE BEAUTY and TRUE CONFIDENCE comes from.
I love Sister Dalton, she has been a great inspiration to me. I love her "Return to Virtue" movement. She has really helped me to understand who I am am, and WHO'S I am. She has a lot of really good talks and videos to learn from.
I also love this talk: The Joy of Womanhood
Anyway...Don't believe Satan's' lies, remember who you are! And seek to be loyal to the royal within you, when you do you will feel close to God and feel of the love, strength, peace, and joy that only he has to offer.
I love the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and know that it is the true church run by God himself. Tomorrow is our Semi-annual General Conference where we hear the words that god himself would speak to us. SOOOO Excited!
I hope my 10 day challenge helped you to really remember who you really truly are! It's easy to forget in this crazy mixed up world. But there are also a lot of beautiful opportunities to seize in this world and things to enjoy! I choose to focus on those. Come back and do any day of the body image challenge anytime for an emotional pick me up, I know I need those a lot!
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