Wednesday, January 6, 2016

You gotta get up and TRY

So sometimes in my perfectionist little head I think, "No matter how hard I try I'm never perfect!" It's sooooooo frustrating ha ha. I always do something stupid, and make mistakes and fall short. So then i'm like "whatever it doesn't matter what I do, just give up, stop trying. you're failing and you're defeated. The end. You're a loser" ha ha I hope you can hint the sarcasm but there is also some truth to it. This post is for those of you who feel like I did a few days ago- defeated and ready to give up! 

I clumsily told God of my feelings and frustrations and this talk was an answer to my prayer:

"Your Next Step" Holy Cow, this talk is gooood... I was going to copy and paste my favorite parts but then I would be copying and pasting the entire talk but if you go read it you will be so glad you did. 

He starts out by telling how his heart sank in a church meeting when he asked "How many of you want to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ again?" every hand went up. Then he asked "How many of you have confidence you'll succeed?" Most hands went down. 

He then goes on to compare us to little children learning how to walk. When we stumble and fall our loving Heavenly Father doesn't scold us and tell us to never try again, he tells us to shake it off, get back up and keep trying. He lovingly cheers us on with outstretched arms. This life is messy, we are all learning how to walk, none of us are going to be perfect, that's not how it works. He also says how each step we take is met with help from Heaven, he more then blesses our efforts. Faith is a principle of action- We have to act, even though it's going to be humanly imperfect. Heavenly Father blesses those who despite their imperfections ACT. "Spiritual gifts are promised not only to those who love God and keep all of His commandments but also, gratefully, to those of us who “[seek] so to do.”Strength is given to those who keep seeking and trying."

Then, as I pondered that talk the spirit brought these quotes/talks to my memory...

"God cares a lot more about who we are and who we are becoming than about who we once were. He cares that we keep on trying."
“I’m no saint—that is, unless you think a saint is a sinner who keeps on trying.”
“One of God’s greatest gifts to us is the joy of trying again, for no failure ever need be final.”
"the moment we decide to try again, the Atonement of Christ can help us. we need to remember that it is not the Holy Ghost that tells us we’re so far gone that we might as well give up."

"If with all you have done there is an occasional failure, you can still say, “At least I did the very best of which I was capable. I tried as hard as I knew how. I let nothing stand in the way of my role as a mother.” Failures will be few under such circumstances. -President Hinckley "Your Greatest Challenge, Mother"

So, can I be perfect in this life? No! But can I give it all i've got and be all in everyday and TRY my hardest? YES, I can do it! 

Remember Tessanne Chin from The Voice? I Loved her!
Love, Meg

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