Saturday, February 20, 2016

"The Opposite of an Addiction is Connection"

As a recovering addict I completely agree with this Ted Talk...

"The opposite of addiction is connection"

In my recovery I realized that the most important thing was not abstinence the most important thing was to create a life where I don't need my addiction anymore. 

What helped me the most in my recovery was the connections I made with people at the treatment center I went to. I am convinced those friendships helped me more then the therapy and the dietician sessions. Feeling LOVED, CONNECTED and like I BELONGED somewhere healed me. Those are the very things that caused my addiction...abuse, my parents divorce and loss of my core family, feeling unloved, feeling ashamed, feeling alone, loss of friends, loss of self-worth, I could not stand myself or my life, I had to escape and I did that with an addiction to food. If I didn't have my addiction I literally could not bear my life. So I couldn't stop, I didn't even know how.

How we recover is by walking away from the darkness and filling our lives to the brim with LIGHT. Light dispels darkness. We need to realize, really realize that we are LOVED, that we are children of God. And we need to create relationships in our lives, that's what it's all about. Connection with God is the best connection to have. Prayer is the first, middle and last thing to do, never feel unworthy to pray, God is eager to help you, he waits to hear from you, he loves you no matter how low you've sunk and he can help you rise again. 

I'm just so grateful. I know i've still got a lot of work to do. I know i'm still a CHILD to God, but i'm trying and I know he's helping. I love him. I'm grateful for good in the world. I know we can overcome because Jesus Christ overcame all things. My heart goes out to anyone who is in the depths of an addiction. Please know you may be doing something bad but YOU are not bad. YOU are a Child of God. He has compassion towards you, his arms are always outstretched, he is completely understanding and the best helper. He doesn't want you to hurt anymore, let him help. ASK for strength, ask for LOVE, ask for healing and it will come. Keep trying. Never Never Never Give up. 

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