Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Pregnancy and Intutive Eating

I'm back! Sorry for the LOA, I had a baby and decided to take a break and enjoy my little girl and get used to being a new mommy. What's that? You want a picture! Okay, I guess... get ready to see the cutest little girl you've ever seen....

 Mila Mae

She's smiling now!

Pregnancy went really well for me, I was kind of nervous with my ED past but I seriously didn't struggle the entire time I was pregnant. It got difficult towards the end because I felt ginormous but it was mostly just uncomfortable and being SO ready to meet my baby. This whole process has actually helped me appreciate and love my body more. I am AMAZED at what it just did. This little girl grew inside of me and then came out and there is NEW LIFE. I feel more respect for my body and I am grateful to be a woman and get to witness this miracle. I can't believe how much I love this little girl and how much joy and happiness she brings to mine and my husbands life. We just love her! 

After I had her, it was the weirdest thing, but I started struggling with food. I wondered how I could go my entire pregnancy without struggling at all and then all of the sudden struggle so badly. It really caught me off guard. I think it had something to do with hormonal changes, being home alone all the time, breastfeeding and feeling super hungry, and being SO SO SO tired. Being tired, isolation, getting overly hungry, and that time of the month have always been huge triggers that I have had to be aware of.

My first method of attack was to give up all trigger foods just for awhile while I was stuck in the house alone so much. It helped, for awhile. Until I gave in and had a trigger food, then I wanted it ALL. Come on Megan, how many times have you been down this road. Long story short I learned once again that Intuitive Eating is whats right for me. The whole reason I had such a great pregnancy is because I am an intuitive eater. The whole reason I didn't gain any unnecessary weight is because I was an intuitive eater before my pregnancy and during my pregnancy. My body knows I'm not going to play games with it. My body knows what to do with food when it gets it and it knows it will get it again when it is hungry. My body knows I am not going to diet and it has worked for me for years so why was I trying to change that? I may never be "skinny" according to the worlds standards but I am healthy and fit (well, kinda I tried to do a pull up last night and could not do it! this is sad...I could do 8 in a row before pregnancy, its really crazy how it changes your body! But every bit worth my precious girl) If I can stay consistently this weight and healthy and fit and FREE from food obsession I will do it and let go of being "skinny" I have come to the conclusion that "Life is too short not to be an intuitive eater!"

So this week I am really trying to work on my Intuitive Eating Skills. Intuitive eating is different for everyone. It's all about listening to your bodies signals of hunger and satiety. I have found that when I am satisfied from a meal I eat far less then when I am unsatisfied. And when I eat considering my body, mind, and spirit I eat healthy and balanced and delicious. I am glad I went through that little trial because I learned a lot from it. I want to be able to ENJOY food and be a healthy example for my husband and kids.  

If anybody wants help with Intuitive Eating I would be happy to help. I by no means claim to be a perfect expert but I have learned a lot and am striving myself to be better at it. I also believe Intuitive Eating is an individual thing and I don't know whats best for you, YOU DO. But I can share with you what has helped me! Email me at meggardner27@gmail.com

It's good to be back, I love life without ED and am SO SO SO grateful for where my life is today.


  1. Thank you for sharing! I don't usually feel like I have many issues with food, but pregnancy is a more challenging time for me. I tend to use food to deal with the stress (physical and emotional) of pregnancy and at the same time obsess about not wanting to gain too much weight. This was great!

  2. I love how honest and open you are Meg! That alone shows that you are in such a great place. Awesome post! I just love that our bodies know what they need and they work so well when we listen to them.
    And I just love little Mila! Those pictures are SO STINCKIN' CUTE!!!

  3. Aloha Meg!
    I am so happy to find your post right now! You have created an awesome blog :) I am 5 months pregnant and call myself an intuitive eater but really I am not always doing that. I struggle with continuing to follow my body. Now that I am pregnant, I am really not doing a great job in the food department, especially waiting to be hungry and and then eating to feel satisfied. Would you be interested in giving me some advice? I would really appreciate it :)
