Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring Body Image Challenge Day 3!

First off...I just want to share a few things I wrote down for day 2:

What overall health and well-being consists of to me: 

*incorporating wholesome reacreation and play into my life- having fun, enjoying life! 
*Connecting with God through prayer and having a relationship with him
* Keeping my body fed with healthy foods that feel good in my body and give me energy
*Exercise/being active and fit, feeling good- Yoga, jogging, biking, hiking, dancing etc.
* Continually learning- reading books, trying new things, making mistakes, striving to improve, feeding curiosity, seeking knowledge and wisdom
* Having an attitude of gratitude and glass half full mentality, trying to focus on the positive and all my blessings
* Focusing on the most important things in life! Things of eternal value= Simplify
* Laughing, having an appropriate sense of humor- its an escape valve for the pressures of life
*not worry too much aka have faith
* helping others, encouraging others, loving others, losing yourself in helping others
* Getting plenty of SLEEP
* working hard- making goals and having a purpose
* Spending time in nature, taking time to be still
* Enjoying hobbies, developing talents, Creating- doing activities where time seems to stop
* Connecting heart to heart with people and having relationships where you feel loved and accepted and vise versa
* Self- mastery, being free from addictions, feeling like you can trust yourself to take care of yourself and make decisions that will lead to your happiness not misery
*Listens to emotions, doesn't ignore or bury them. Finds positive ways to address and release them.
* be true to myself, living in line with my values, beliefs and morals
*spending quality time with fam and friends

These are some of the things I wrote down...what did you write down? It has been super helpful for me to redefine "health" for myself because often in the media the "healthy" they talk about isn't so healthy or is very imbalanced. To me health considers body, mind and soul. Obviously i'm not perfect at all these things but this is what i'm striving for! 

So day 3! 

Read this talk. In my Eating Disorder, I loathed my body. I wanted to some how claw my way out of my own body. Terrible. To recover I have really had to develop a nurturing, loving, relationship with my body. This talk has helped me tremendously and I really LOVE it. Our bodies are one of our greatest GIFTS we have, and when we realize how precious they are, we automatically take better care of them. 

After you read the talk, think about how your body is a blessing and how you can treat it with more tender, love and care. If your body was your friend would you treat it the way you do, would you say the things you do to it? Think of ways you can improve your relationship with your body. Good luck! :) see ya for day 4!

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