In the past I have thought it was selfish to really let God love me, who am I to let him love me, right?
I am his Daughter.
When Christ was asked what is the greatest commandment he spoke without hesitation about love.
He said first, "Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, might, mind and strength"
Second, "Love thy neighbor AS THYSELF"
And then he gave us a new commandment that we should "Love others AS HE HAS LOVED US"
we are also told in the scriptures that we "Love God, because he first loved us"
Trying to go through this life without feeling God's love for you is like a car trying to run without gas.
We may wrongly believe that we are undeserving or unworthy of God's love and that we have to wait until were finally "good enough" to let it in.
This is like waiting for a car to start moving before it's worthy of getting gas put in it.
God's love is what gets us moving, it gives life and light to our souls! When we KNOW without question that God loves us we are not keeping the commandments out of fear and obligation. We are keeping them because we know the giver of them loves us, has our happiness in mind and we trust him with our lives.
"God's love is the most desirable of all things and the most joyous to the soul" 1 Nephi 11:9-23
There is nothing that can make us happier than to know that we are loved by God, and that he loves all his children and to live and abide in that love.
There is nothing that can make us happier than to know that we are loved by God, and that he loves all his children and to live and abide in that love.
Don't wait to let God's love in, let it in now.
Heavenly Father wants you to know that he loves you.
His love is manifest all around us, if we will just stop and look for it and take it all in.
The greatest evidence of his love for us is of him sacrificing his son for us. Because of his sacrifice Jesus Christ has the power to heal, redeem, comfort, empathize, strengthen, forgive, and exalt us.
Never forget about mercy, perfection is not necessary or possible.
Once you KNOW that God LOVES YOU, you know that he loves all his children in the same way and you desire to help them feel this love.
Charity is helping others feel the joy that Christ has given you and offers to all
Charity is encouraging and uplifting
Charity is being gentle with others knowing they are beaten and bruised and trying their best to do their best in this mortal journey too
Charity is giving others time to learn and improve
Charity is forgiving and letting go
Charity is showing someone what brings true happiness
Charity is reminding someone of who they are
Charity is being willing to move past weaknesses
Charity is not taking things personal
Charity is being kind
Charity is assuming the good and doubting the bad
Charity is lifting others up
Charity is treating others as Christ treats you
Charity is being merciful
Charity is listening
Charity is bearing one another's burdens
Charity is sharing hope
Charity is pointing someone towards Christ
Charity is looking at someone in eternal light
Charity is having compassion on someone
Charity never faileth
Today, people look at being kind, and tender hearted as a weakness. But it is actually one of the greatest strengths you can have. Don't let this world make you hard hearted!
Kindness is the beginning of greatness!
I use to think that the way people treated me must be a reflection of my worth. I went through some abuse right after high school and that is when my ED started and when my self-esteem plummeted. I thought the way I was being treated must be what I deserved. But I have now learned that how others treat you has everything to do with them and nothing to do with you. No matter how others treat you you are a Daughter of God, precious and cherished in his sight and when people treat you poorly he weeps, it breaks his heart. There is nothing he wants more than to take you in his arms and tell you how incredibly loved you are. And he will, you can feel that in your heart if you will just ask him and let it in. When we realize this we can not take things so personal and take ourselves out of the equation and actually be able to help others instead of feeling bitter or angry. You don't have control over how others treat you, but you do have control over how you treat others. And when the world is brutal with you, just remember, there is one who loves you very very much and is merciful and patient and kind and understanding. He will never ever forsake you or leave you comfortless. He is one we can rely on completely and trust always. His love never fails and it endures forever.
When we live from a place where we know we are loved instead of always trying to earn love everything changes.
When we live from a place where we know we are loved instead of always trying to earn love everything changes.
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