Thursday, August 21, 2014

Relief for women regarding the pressure to be thin

This world is brutal with their expectations on women, I just want to ease a little bit of that preasure for a second...

the other day I read an article that said this...

Our bodies are not our masterpieces, our life is our masterpiece. 
Our bodies are our paintbrush. 
Be grateful you have a paintbrush, whether it's tall, thin, chunky, round, pink, purple, or old. 
Go paint your masterpiece. 

(or something to that affect) I can't take credit for that wisdom, as I said I read it somewhere. 

So much time, thought, energy, talents, friendships, loving, giving, developing etc etc is WASTED on trying to attain the ideal body in the media. The body we THINK we SHOULD have as women. well guess what you're body does not define you and you are SO much more than a number on a scale. Your shape, your size, your clothes, none of those things are WHO YOU ARE. 

Your body is not for others to look at, its for you to use and enjoy and to live in. Don't eat or dress for others.

So rest easy a little bit and go paint your masterpiece. Don't give in to the lies. Don't believe them for one second. 

Biggest lie of them all: thinness= happiness, success and achievement. 

I know many people who are thin on account of giving up many more important things in order to devote more time and energy to weight loss. 

What really makes you happy?

Dare to be different, Dare to not follow the crowd, Dare to be a leader.

1 comment:

  1. It would be so wonderful to give ourselves permission to really like ourselves no matter what our size!
