Thursday, August 14, 2014

Inner encourager or inner critic?

Yesterday I had one goal,

Be nicer to myself. 

So the morning started and before I knew it I was thinking bad thoughts about myself, then I thought of my goal. "Okay, what have I done good so far this morning?" I suddenly realized that I was actually doing pretty dang good! why was I feeling so terrible about myself? 

ding ding ding, because I was focusing on the negative! It's like my eyes were blind to all the good I was doing and all I was focusing on were my shortcomings. I can never be enough if my standard is perfect, because there's no such thing as being perfect as mortal human beings. 

When I started focusing on all the positives I suddenly felt a lot better about myself and the day. I was motivated and cheerful and happy about the day. I accomplished SO much and enjoyed my day! I even found time to do things I love. Sometimes we think focusing on our weaknesses will help them to go away, like we have to focus on them to "fix" them. But that's not true. That only makes us feel stuck and discouraged. When we focus on our strengths and celebrate our good efforts we are motivated! 

Are you an inner critic or an inner encourager? 

Focus on the positive, celebrate every little thing. 

Try it, it just might change your whole day around! 



  1. Oh how I needed that today-- thanks!

  2. This is beautiful! We all need to let go of the negative and enjoy life more. Thank you for sharing. Have another beautiful day!
