Monday, October 13, 2014

The power inside of you

I am starting to really believe in myself. 
To believe that I have something to offer this world and that I am valuable. 
I think we are sometimes our own worst enemies. 
It's not our circumstances that hold us back
It's our own fears and how we CHOOSE to perceive the world and how we choose to respond to our circumstances. 
Life is not happening to us, we are happening to it. 
We get to choose how our lives will go, what we will believe, how we will respond, who we will be, if we will be happy, what we will work for, what our goals are, what things are important to us. 
We are made up of our choices and our attitudes. 
I love love love this quote:

“The greatest revolution of our generation is the 
discovery that human beings, by changing the inner 
attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of 
their lives.” -William James

I really believe that if you believe in good things to come that good things will come and if you let your fears overcome you than you'll be paralyzed and not able to impact your circumstances and you will feel like you are a victim to life. That is just not true! You are the master of your fate, you are the captain of your soul. No matter your circumstances, no matter your trials, no matter your weaknesses. If you choose to overcome them you can! 
Having a vision for your life is so important. When I was at The Center for Change (Eating Disorder Recovery center) we made a vision board and it hangs in my closet where I look at it everyday, it reminds me of what I want most in life and motivates me to move toward it! 
BELIEVE is a very powerful word, and FAITH is a real power. 

We can train our minds to believe, have hope and faith. 
We truly are the masters of our fates and the captains of our souls! 
Believe in your potential and what you uniquely have to offer the world, don't look around you to see who you should be, look inside yourself and be true to who you are. You are the only thing holding you back! Our mind is our most powerful tool.  

Don’t limit yourself and don’t let others convince 
you that you are limited in what you can do. Believe in 
yourself and then live so as to reach your possibilities.
You can achieve what you believe you can. Trust and 
believe and have faith.
-President Monson

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