Saturday, January 17, 2015

Lasting Happiness

It's blog time again! I know I have been terrible at writing on this blog but I am motivated and determined to start it up again! I feel like I really need to, for myself and others and I've just realized it's really important to me in my life. 

So lately i've been studying happiness, isn't that what we all want? To feel peace and happiness in our lives. I've realized that my Father in Heaven wants me to be happy, he wants to bless me, everything he asks me to do is for my own good and happiness in this life and in the eternities, sometimes I think I forget that. But when I really know that I can completely trust him and say, alright, lets do it your way, "because your ways are higher than my ways" Our loving Father in Heaven really does want us to be happy and following him is the recipe for happiness. It's Satan who wants us to be as miserable as he is. 

"Don't give in to that being who is bent on the destruction of your happiness, Face your doubts, master your fears, cast not away therefore your confidence, stay the course and see the beauty of life unfold for you" -Elder Holland

There is a reason Heavenly Father doesn't want me or you to obsess about our size, or calories or our physical appearance, because he knows that achieving a "perfect, socially acceptable appearance" (if you ever get there, because it just seems like you never can) DOES NOT bring TRUE HAPPINESS. Happiness ALWAYs comes from the inside, never from the outside. Not from a "perfect body", not from more money, not from fame or praise of others. It comes from peace on the inside and living close to him! 

Heavenly Father wants us to treat our bodies and ourselves with love and kindness and respect, to see our bodies as temples and to fuel them with nutritious foods but not to focus on our size or compare ourselves to others. He wants our priorities to be on things that actually do bring happiness, like giving and receiving love, helping others, improving relationships, improving ourselves, developing talents, and enjoying the beautiful and good things in life, in essence following Christ's example. 

Now, is it bad to want to feel beautiful? of course not, if our bodies are temples, look how beautiful our temples are! But the Lord's standards are very different from the worlds. True beauty comes from the inside, from living a virtuous life and from thinking virtuous thoughts. When we seek God first he will help us know how to care for our bodies and how to dress, groom, eat, etc. He can help you see yourself as he sees you! As a beautiful Daughter of God with so much potential for good. 

There are so many expectations on women to look perfect and be perfect and make it look like you're not even trying that it can get absolutely EXHAUSTING trying to keep up. But there is really only "one thing that is needful" and that is to be close to the savior. When we put him first he will help us with everything else! He knows the way, because he is the way! He knows you personally and knows exactly how to help YOU. 

Elder Holland says "I plead with you to let the glorious truths of eternity free you from temporal anxieties and concerns" When we do this we can feel an unshakable faith and strength and an inner peace and serenity that doesn't vary with whatever happens outside of us. 

Never forget, no matter what, Christ's arms are ALWAYS outstretched ready to receive us again and again and again and ever many times it takes. This life is a classroom, it's practice for heaven, we're not expected to be perfect yet, so be tender with yourself and others. Take care of yourself and always know you are loved by him! 

Much love, 

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